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Number of items: 104.


Abdul Rahim Samsudin, A Haryono, Umar Hamzah, AG Rafek (2008) Salinity mapping of coastal groundwater aquifers using hydrogeochemical and geophysical methods: a case study from north Kelantan, Malaysia. Salinity mapping of coastal groundwater aquifers using hydrogeochemical and geophysical methods: a case study from north Kelantan, Malaysia. (Submitted)


Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Git, H. M. and Nazarian, A. (2008) Mathematical Modeling of Roof Solar Chimney for Small Scale Power Generation. Proceedings of EnCon2008 . pp. 730-737. ISSN ISBN: 778-983-9257-92-2

Al-Kayiem, Hussain H. and Aziat, M. N. (2008) Fabrication of NACA4412 Airfoil Model by CAE for Wind Tunnel Tests. Proceedings of EnCon2008. pp. 700-705. ISSN ISBN: 778-983-9257-92-2

Amminuddin, K.A and Putra, Z.A. and Khamaruddin, P.F. and Buang, A. and Sofian, M.N. and Hawari, H (2008) Identifying cost effective and practical water reuse- regeneration opportunities for water minimization project in a PETRONAS plant. Hydrocarbon Processing.

Ahmad, Faiz (2008) Control of defects in powder injection molded aluminum matrix composites. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POWDER METALLURGY, 44 (3 ). 69-76 . ISSN 0888-7462

A., Oxley (2008) Will virtual reality ever be immersive? EngineerIT. pp. 56-57. ISSN 19915047

A.M., Shariff and C.T., Leong (2008) Inherent safety index module (ISIM) to assess inherent safety level during preliminary design stage. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 86 (2 B). pp. 113-119. ISSN 9575820

Awang, Mariyamni and Goh , Meng Seng (2008) Sulfonation of phenols extracted from the pyrolysis oil of oil palm shells for enhanced oil recovery. ChemSusChem, 1 (3). pp. 210-214. ISSN 18645631

AMA Salim, HP Pan, M Luo, F Zhou, . (2008) Integrated Log Interpretation in the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Main Hole (Eastern China): Lithology and Mineralization. Integrated Log Interpretation in the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Main Hole (Eastern China): Lithology and Mineralization.

AMA Salim, HP Pan, . (2008) Some Structural Features of Sulu Terrane (Eastern China) from Well Logs and Images. Some Structural Features of Sulu Terrane (Eastern China) from Well Logs and Images.


B., Demiral and O., Izgec and H., Bertin and S., Akin (2008) CO2 injection into saline carbonate aquifer formations II: Comparison of numerical simulations to experiments. Transport in Porous Media, 73 (1). pp. 57-74. ISSN 1693913


Chong, Su Li and Renganathan, Sumathi (2008) Voices of ardent readers: one in concert. The English Teacher, 37. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0128-7729

C.S., Khor and A., Elkamel and P.L., Douglas (2008) Stochastic refinery planning with risk management. Petroleum Science and Technology, 26 (14). pp. 1726-1740. ISSN 10916466

C.S., Khor and A., Elkamel and K., Ponnambalam and P.L., Douglas (2008) Two-stage stochastic programming with fixed recourse via scenario planning with economic and operational risk management for petroleum refinery planning under uncertainty. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 47. pp. 1744-1764. ISSN 2552701

C.S., Khor and A., Elkamel and W.A., Anderson (2008) Incorporating the systems approach in future undergraduate chemical engineering education curriculum: Illustration via computer-aided process simulation laboratory exercises. World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 5 (3-4). 402-413 . ISSN 17412242

Chakrabarti, Sampa and Chaudhuri, Basab and Dutta, Binay K. (2008) Adsorption of model textile dyes from aqueous solutions using agricultural wastes as adsorbents: equilibrium, kinetics and fixed bed column study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION, 34 (1-4). pp. 261-274. ISSN 0957-4352

Chawla, B.S. and Biswas, C.K. and Das, N.S. and Khanna, I.K. (2008) Slip-line solutions for orthogonal machining with a step-type chip breaker and experimental validation of cutting parameters. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR: Production Engineering Division, 88 (MAR). pp. 31-36.

Chawla, B.S. and Biswas, C.K. and Das, N.S. and Khanna, I.K. (2008) Slip-line solutions for orthogonal machining with a step-type chip breaker and experimental validation of cutting parameters. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR: Production Engineering Division, 88 (MAR). pp. 31-36.


Daud, Hanita and Low, Tan Jung and Kasbon, Rozana (2008) MOBILE ISLAMIC MEDICATION EXPERT SYSTEMS. IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceeding of Informatics 2008 and Data Mining 2008. pp. 167-171. ISSN ISBN: 978-972892463-8

Daud, Hanita and Low, Tan Jung and Ahmad, Rohiza (2008) Online Islamic Medication Expert Systems (OIMES). Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSIM. ISSN ISBN: 978-142442328-6

Dewandaru, Agung and Md Said, Abas and Matori, A. N. (2008) A Novel Map-matching Algorithm to Improve Vehicle Tracking System Accuracy. Platform, Volume (No. 1).


El-harbawi, Mohanad (2008) Rapid analysis of risk assessment using developed simulation of chemical industrial accidents software package. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Tech., 5 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN 1735-1472


Ghazali, Zulkipli and Halib, Mohammed and Md Nordin, Shahrina and Che Ghazali, Maznah (2008) Organizational Structure and Performance of Plant Turnaround Maintenance in Large Process-Based Industries in Malaysia: A Conceptual Framework. International Conference on Plant Equipment and Reliability ICPER 2008.

Gilani, S. I. and Amin, M. A. A. and Rangkuti, Chalilillah (2008) Gas District Cooling in Malaysia : Pioneering a new industry. District Energy, 94 (3). pp. 14-18. ISSN 1077-6222


hassan, khairul nisak and Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and jelani, nor alina and sariat, siti sakinah (2008) Comparative Study of CoolMOS and MOSFET in High Frequency Circuit Design. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy. pp. 1108-1111.

Hasan, Nurul (2008) Determining thethicknessofliquidfilminlaminarconditiononarotatingdrum surface usingCFD. Chemical EngineeringScience. ISSN 0009-2509

Harahap, I.S.H. and Wong, C.W. (2008) Bayesian inversion of proof pile test: Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation approach. Platform, 6 (2). ISSN 1511-6794

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Fujiwara, Hideo (2008) NoC-Compatible Wrapper Design and Optimization under Channel-Bandwidth and Test-Time Constraints. Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume (Issue ). pp. 2008-2017. ISSN 0916-8532

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Fujiwara, Hideo (2008) On NoC Bandwidth Sharing for the Optimization of Area Cost and Test Application Time. Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume (Issue ). pp. 1997-2007. ISSN 0916-8532

Hasan, Nurul (2008) Evaluation of a Proposed and an Existing Dust Ventilation/Collection System in an Underground Mine Crushing Plant. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on FLUID MECHANICS.

Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi and Yoneda, Tomokazu and Orailoglu, Alex and Fujiwara, Hideo (2008) Scheduling Power-Constrained Tests through the SoC Functional Bus. Transactions on Information and Systems, Volume (Issue ). pp. 736-746. ISSN 0916-8532

Hunter, A.W., and Zonneveld, J-P., (2008) Palaeoecology of Jurassic encrinites: reconstructing crinoid communities from the Western Interior Seaway of North America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimateology, Palaeoecology (Jurassic Marine Palaeobiology Special Issue), 263. pp. 58-70.

Hunter, A.W., (2008) Recherches sur le Paléozoïque au Japon et en Corée du Sud pour l’année 2007-2008. Groupe Français du Paléozoïque Bulletin de Liaison, 10. pp. 30-31.



Ibrahim, Taib and Wang, Jiabin and Howe, Dave (2008) Analysis and Experimental Verification of a Single-Phase, Quasi-Halbach Magnetized Tubular Permanent Magnet Motor With Non-Ferromagnetic Support Tube. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. pp. 4361-4364.

I.A., Aziz and N.S., Haron and T.J., Low and R., Wan and D., Wan (2008) Parallelization of prime number generation using message passing interface. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 7 (4). pp. 291-303. ISSN 11092750

Idrus, Hairuzila (2008) Feelings of ESL students at tertiary level toward writing in English. Diges Pendidik, 8 (1). pp. 90-97. ISSN 1511-8959


Jagtar, Singh and Jain, V.K. (2008) Performance Analysis of BPPM and M-ary PPM Optical Communication Systems in Atmospheric Turbulence. IETE Technical Review, 25 (4). pp. 146-153.

Jeoti , Varun (2008) A Novel Efficient and Simple Method for Designing Chaotic S-boxes. ETRI JOURNAL. ISSN 1225-6463


Kurnia, Kiki and Wilfred, Cecilia and T., Murugesan (2008) Thermophysical properties of hydroxyl ammonium ionic liquids. J. Chem. Thermodynamics.

Karuppanan , S and Hills, D (2008) An edge dislocation in a semi-infinite elastic wedge. J. Strain Analysis, 43. pp. 307-314. ISSN 0309-3247 (Print) 2041-3130 (Online)

Karuppanan , S and Churchman, C and Hills, D and Giner, E (2008) Sliding frictional contact between a square block and an elastically similar half-plane. European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 27. pp. 443-459.

Kessler, Franz and Padmanabhan, Eswaran (2008) Aquifers and ferric spring deposits south of Miri, Sarawak: impact on facies characterisation of coastal sediments. Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia .


Lee, Yen Cheong (2008) How to use retarded Green's functions in de Sitter spacetime. Physical Review D, 78 (8). pp. 1-17.


M., Shoaib and B. A., Steves and A., Szell (2008) Stability analysis of quintuple stellar and planetary systems using a symmetric five-body model. NEW ASTRONOMY , 13 (8 ). 639-645 . ISSN 1384-1076

M., Ramasamy and S., Sundaramoorthy (2008) PID controller tuning for desired closed-loop responses for SISO systems using impulse response. COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING , 32 (8 ). 1773-1788 . ISSN 0098-1354

Mahamad, Saipunidzam and Hazrin Hanim, Rani and Mohamed@Omar, Hasiah (2008) Personalised Presentation on Health Information Using Cookies Functionality. Platform, 6 (1). pp. 52-58. ISSN 1511-6794

Mamat, Othman and Hussain, P and Mustapha, Mazli and Ismail, Fauzi (2008) Empirical Relationship Between Relative Electrical Conductivity And Relative Density Of The Al-Foam Fabricated Through Pressure Assisted Sintering/Dissolution Process. American Institute of Physics (AIP), Volume. pp. 310-314.

Mohd Zaid, Hasnah (2008) Anomalous acid diffusion in a triphenylene molecular resist with melamine crosslinker. Microelectronic Engineering, 85. pp. 1540-1544.

MM Rashad, HM Baioumy, . (2008) Effect of thermal treatment on the crystal structure and morphology of zirconia nanopowders produced by three different routes. Effect of thermal treatment on the crystal structure and morphology of zirconia nanopowders produced by three different routes.

M.F.B., Abdullah and R.N., Mukerjee (2008) Under-reach correction in twin circuits without residual current input from the parallel line. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 23 (3). pp. 1359-1365. ISSN 8858977

M.H.A., Fadzil and D., Ihtatho and A.M., Affandi and S.H., Hussein (2008) Objective assessment of psoriasis erythema for PASI scoring. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2008. pp. 4070-4073. ISSN 1557170X

M., Ganesapillai and I., , Regupathi and T., Murugesan (2008) An empirical model for the estimation of moisture ratio during microwave drying of plaster of Paris. Drying Technology, 26 (7). pp. 963-978. ISSN 7373937

M., Ganesapillai and I., Regupathi and T., Murugesan (2008) Characterization and process optimization of microwave drying of plaster of Paris. Drying Technology, 26 (12). pp. 1484-1496. ISSN 7373937

Muhammad, Ayyaz and M.I., Abdul Mutalib and Murugesan, Thanapalan and Shafeeq, Amir (2008) Viscosity, Refractive Index, Surface Tension, and Thermal Decomposition of Aqueous N-Methyldiethanolamine Solutions from (298.15 to 338.15) K. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 53. pp. 2226-2229.

Malakahmad, Dr, Amirhossein, Dr and Ahmad Basri, Noor Ezlin and Md Zain, Shahrom (2008) ANAEROBIC CO-DIGESTION OF KITCHEN WASTE AND SEWAGE SLUDGE FOR PRODUCING BIOGAS. Platform, 6 (2). pp. 47-51. ISSN 1511-6794

Maulud, A (2008) A Fault Detection and Diagnosis Strategy for Batch/Semi-Batch Processes. Chemical Product and Process Modeling, Vol. 5 : Iss. 1, Article 14.

M., Ramasamy and A., Shahid and H., Zabiri (2008) DRIFT ANALYSIS ON NEURAL NETWORK MODEL OF HEAT EXCHANGER FOULING. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 3 (1). pp. 48-61. ISSN 18234690


Nidal S., Kamel and Shohel, Sayeed and Grant A., Ellis (2008) Glove-based approach to online signature verification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, 30 (6 ). pp. 1109-1113. ISSN 0162-8828

Nallagownden, Perumal (2008) Design of A Solar Power System for an offshore platform. Proceedings of the 6th ICEENG Conference.

Nidal S., Kamel (2008) Glove-Based Approach to Online Signature Verification. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, 30 (6). pp. 1109-1113. ISSN 0162-8828

N., Yahya and S.B., Waje and I., Ramli (2008) Carbon nanopipe catalysed by as-prepared NiO nanoparticles. Sains Malaysiana, 37 (3). pp. 289-293. ISSN 1266039

N., Yahya and K.K.K., Koziol and M.K., Bin Mansor (2008) Synthesis and characterization of single crystals Y3Fe 5O12 and Bi3Fe5O12 prepared via sol gel technique. Diffusion and Defect Data. Pt A Defect and Diffusion Forum, 283-28. pp. 406-412. ISSN 10120386

N.S., Kamel and M.Z., Yusoff (2008) A generalized subspace approach for estimating visual evoked potentials. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 2008. pp. 5208-5211. ISSN 1557170X

N.H., Hamid and A.F., Murray and S., Roy (2008) Time-domain modeling of low-frequency noise in deep-submicrometer MOSFET. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 55 (1). pp. 245-257. ISSN 10577122


Oxley, A. (2008) Will VR ever be immersive? ITNOW, 50 (5).

Oxley, A. (2008) Are Your IT Staff Working Too Hard? EDUCAUSE Quarterly, 31 (2).

Othman, Abdul Rahim (2008) Failure initiation and propagation characteristics of honeycomb sandwich composites. Composite Structures.


Pao, William and Wong, Wallace and Lai, Adriana MK (2008) An explicit drive algorithm for aiding the design of firing sequence in side-drive micromotor. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24 (12). pp. 2131-2136. ISSN 10698299

Pendyala, Rajashekhar and Jayanti, Sreenivas and A R, Balakrishnan (2008) Flow and pressure drop fluctuations in a vertical tube subject to low frequency oscillations. Nuclear Engineering and Design.

Pendyala, Rajashekhar and Jayanti, Sreenivas and A R, Balakrishnan (2008) Convective heat transfer in single-phase flow in a vertical tube subjected to axial low frequency oscillations. Heat Mass Transfer.

Padmanabhan, Eswaran and Kessler, Frans (2008) Fabric variability within layered Fe-oxide deposits in Mid-Late Miocene sedimentary formations, NW Borneo: Impact on facies architectural interpretations. Geological Society of Malaysia, , Bulletin 54, November 2008. pp. 165-169.


REILLY, JOSEPH M and PITCHER, DAVID and GHOSH, DEVA (2008) SEG Applied Research Workshop: Geophysical challenges in southeast Asia exploration. SEG Applied Research Workshop: Geophysical challenges in southeast Asia exploration.

Rezaur R.B., Rezaur and Rahardjo H., Rahardjo and Leong E.C., Leong (2008) Effect of antecedent rainfall on pore-water pressure distribution characteristics in residual soil slopes under tropical rainfall. Hydrological Processes, 22 (4). pp. 506-523. ISSN 8856087

Renganathan, Sumathi and Johl, Satirenjit Kaur (2008) Research in Education: Taking Subjective Based Research Seriously. Platform, 6 (2). pp. 166-176. ISSN 1511-6794



Suwardo, W and Napiah, Madzlan and Kamaruddin, Ibrahim (2008) PUNCTUALITY AND EXPECTED WAITING TIME OF STAGE BUSES IN MIXED TRAFFIC. Jurnal Transportasi, 8 (3). pp. 213-226. ISSN 1411-2442

Syed Ameer , Basha and K, Raja Gopal and S, Jebaraj (2008) A review on biodiesel production, combustion, emissions and performance. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.

Sen , Tushar Kanti and Sarzali, Meimoan Velyny (2008) Removal of cadmium metal ion (Cd2+) from its aqueous solution by aluminium oxide (Al2O3): A kinetic and equilibrium study. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL , 142 (3). pp. 256-262. ISSN 1385-8947

Samuthira Pandian, Amaresh and Shreela, Murugesan and Iyyaswami, Regupathi and Thanapalan, Murugesan (2008) Liquid-liquid equilibrium of poly(ethylene glycol) 4000+diammonium hydrogen phosphate plus water at different temperatures. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA , 53 (7 ). 1574-1578 . ISSN 0021-9568

Shaharun, Maizatul Shima and H., Mukhtar and B.K., Dutta (2008) Solubility of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in propylene carbonate and thermomorphic multicomponent hydroformylation solvent. Chemical Engineering Science, 63. pp. 3024-3035.

Sapari, Nasiman and Maulut, M.S. (2008) Control of Mosquito in Domestic Septic Tanks by Larviciding. IWA Environmental Management Series. IWA Environmental Management Series. pp. 241-245. ISSN 1476-1785

S., Karuppanan and A.G., Philipps and C.M., Churchman and D.A., Hills (2008) Crack tip stress intensity factors for a crack emanating from a sharp notch. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75 (18). pp. 5134-5139. ISSN 137944

S., Chakrabarti and S., Banerjee and B., Chaudhuri and S., Bhattacharjee and B.K., Dutta (2008) Application of biodegradable natural polymers for flocculated sedimentation of clay slurry. Bioresource Technology, 99 (8). pp. 3313-3317. ISSN 9608524

Shafeeq , A. and M.I., Abdul Mutalib and Amminudin , K.A. and Muhammad , A. (2008) New completion time algorithms for sequence based scheduling in multiproduct batch processes using matrix. Chemical Engineering Research and Design , 86 (10). pp. 1167-1181. ISSN 2638762

Shafeeq , A. and M.I., Abdul Mutalib and Amminudin , K.A. and Muhammad , A. (2008) More on completion time algorithms for intermediate storage tanks in multiproduct batch process scheduling using matrix representation. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research , 47 (24). pp. 9957-9970. ISSN 8885885

Shaharun , M.S. and Mukhtar , H. and Dutta , Binay Kanti (2008) Solubility of carbon monoxide and hydrogen in propylene carbonate and thermomorphic multicomponent hydroformylation solvent. Chemical Engineering Science , 63 (11). pp. 3024-3035. ISSN 00092509

Sulaiman, S. A. and Lawes, M. (2008) High-Speed Schlieren Imaging and Post-Processing for Investigation of Flame Propagation within Droplet-Vapour-Air Fuel Mixtures. IEM Journal, 69 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 0126-513X


Shamshad, A. and Azhari, M.N. and Isa, M.H. and Hussin, W.M.A.W. and Parida, B.P. (2008) Development of an appropriate procedure for estimation of RUSLE EI30 index and preparation of erosivity maps for Pulau Penang in Peninsular Malaysia. Catena, 72 (3). pp. 423-432. ISSN 3418162


Tabe, Michiharu and Nuryadi, Ratno and Moraru, Daniel and Burhanudin, Zainal Arif and Yokoi, K and Ikeda, Hiroya (2008) Si Multidot FETs for Single-Electron Transfer and Single-Photon Detection. Acta Physica Polonica, 113 (3). pp. 811-814.

Tang, TB and Smith, Stewart and Flynn, BW and Stevenson, JTM and Gundlach, AM and Reekie, HM and Murray, AF and Renshaw, David and Dhillon, B and Ohtori, A and others (2008) Implementation of wireless power transfer and communications for an implantable ocular drug delivery system. IET nanobiotechnology, 2 (3). pp. 72-79.


Ulfa, , Yuniarti and Harith, , Zuhar Zahir Tuan (2008) GEOLOGICAL INTERESTS ALONG THE EAST-WEST HIGHWAY, SEGMENT W7 BALING-KULIM AND GERIK-BALING NEW ROAD. National Postgraduate Conference.


V.T. , Huong and H., Mukhtar and T., Murugesan (2008) Simulation of hydrate dissociation equilibrium for carbon dioxide - Methane mixture. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, 22 (4). pp. 475-479. ISSN 03529568


Wong, Peng Wen and Ian , C. Hunter (2008) A New Class of Low-Loss High-Linearity Electronically Reconfigurable Microwave Filter. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions, VOL. 5 (NO. 8,). pp. 1945-1953.

Wong, Peng Wen (2008) A New Class of Low-Loss High-Linearity Electronically Reconfigurable Microwave Filter. Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions , 56 (8). pp. 1945-1953. ISSN 0018-9480

Wilfred, Cecilia and Ziyada, Abu Bakr and Murugesan, Thanapalan (2008) Thermophysical properties of 1-hexyl-3-methyl imidazolium based ionic liquids with tetrafluoroborate, hexafluorophosphate and bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide anions. J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 40. pp. 1433-1438.


Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and tran, minh dung (2008) Design and Improvement of Soft-Switched Quasi-Resonant Boost Converter. Engineering Conference. pp. 588-594.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and Begam , Mumtaj and awan, mohammad (2008) SWITCHING LOSS ANALYSIS OF A DIODE-CLAMPED RESONANT GATE DRIVER NETWORK. Annual Seminar on Science and Technology. pp. 471-475.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and Begam , Mumtaj and awan, mohammad (2008) A Review on VHF Power Electronics Converter and Design Issues. IAENG Engineering Letters, 16 (3). pp. 288-293.

Yahaya, Nor Zaihar and Begam , Mumtaj and awan, mohammad (2008) Simulation of an Inductive Coupled High Frequency Resonant Gate Driver Circuit. IEEE 6th International Conference on Industrial Informatics. pp. 1523-1527.

Youjun, Fan and Nuryadi, Ratno and Burhanudin, Zainal Arif and Tabe , Michiharu (2008) Thermal Agglomeration of Ultrathin Silicon-on-Insulator Layers: Crystalline Orientation Dependence. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47. pp. 1461-1464.

Yahya, N and Waje, S. B and Ramli, I (2008) Carbon nanopipe catalysed by as-prepared NiO nanoparticles. Journal. ISSN 01266039


Z., Man and F., Ahmad and H., Mukhtar and K., Dutta Binay (2008) A theoretical analysis of non-chemical separation of hydrogen sulfide from methane by nano-porous membranes using capillary condensation. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 47 (12). pp. 2203-2208. ISSN 2552701

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